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Evidence from medical literatureedical literature:

All Bioncise’ products and applications, as summarized in the label of each product, are endorsed by preclinical and clinical trials (published or in preparation for publishing) and address efficacy and safety. The information is subsequently summarized in white papers, brochures and leaflets for marketing purposes and communication with the customer. The data is an essential part in the CE and FDA approvals and ISO 9001-2008 and ISO 13485-2003 integrated quality control systems. Most importantly, the confirmation of efficacy and safety, along with clinical approval, are the main appraisals towards the Bioncise’ products.
The scientific data are presented to the medical world through PEER-reviewed communications, either through publication in a book (B), international journal (J), oral (O) or poster (P) presentation and monograph (M). It is only this PEER-reviewed literature that has been taken up in this summary.
The references are presented by subject, year of publication and type of communication. As the amount of literature is ever growing, this document is a work in progress and needs constant updating. The last update is shown in the heading.
To order copies of some or more publications, please indicate the number of the publication and mail to . Copies will be Emailed by simple request.